01/24/2025, 09:00 AM UTC
《忍者龙剑传4》宣布,今年晚些时候推出Ninja Gaiden 4 announced, coming later this year
➀ 微软开发者直接展示了《忍者龙剑传》系列的全新游戏;➁ 《忍者龙剑传4》计划于今年晚些时候发布;➂ 由PlatinumGames和Team Ninja共同开发,将由Xbox游戏工作室发行,并可在Game Pass上玩到。➀ Microsoft's Developer Direct showcased a surprise announcement of a new Ninja Gaiden game; ➁ The game, Ninja Gaiden 4, is set to release later this year; ➂ Developed by PlatinumGames and Team Ninja, it will be published by Xbox Games Studios and available on Game Pass.---