09/09/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
《最终幻想》系列全部游戏或将登陆Xbox“The whole slate” of Final Fantasy games reportedly coming to Xbox
➀ 方块社宣布《最终幻想XIV》将登陆Xbox游戏机;➁ 行业内部人士Jez Corden表示,所有《最终幻想》系列游戏最终都将在Xbox上提供;➂ 微软的东京游戏展可能会透露更多关于即将推出的游戏的信息。➀ Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV will be coming to Xbox consoles; ➁ Industry insider Jez Corden suggests that all Final Fantasy titles will eventually be available on Xbox; ➂ Microsoft's Tokyo Game Show conference may reveal more details about the upcoming games.