07/25/2024, 01:12 PM UTC
量子晶体管获得欧洲创新委员会1750万欧元投资Quantum Transistors gets €17.5m from EIC
1、位于特拉维夫的量子晶体管公司从欧洲创新委员会获得了高达1750万欧元的资金。2、这笔资金包括初始的250万欧元赠款和未来通过EIC基金的1500万欧元股权投资。3、公司计划利用这笔投资扩大其研发规模并扩充团队,专注于开发单芯片上的集成通用量子处理器,采用本征光子学技术。1. Quantum Transistors, based in Tel Aviv, has received up to €17.5 million from the European Innovation Council (EIC). 2. The funding includes an initial grant of €2.5 million and a future equity investment of €15 million. 3. The company plans to use the investment to scale up its R&D and expand its team, focusing on developing an integrated universal quantum processor on a single chip using native photonics.