12/27/2024, 02:30 PM UTC
美国人新年愿望:存更多钱American Resolutions
➀ 根据Statista的调查,存更多钱是美国最受欢迎的新年愿望,超过一半的受访者选择了这个目标。➁ 接下来最常见的愿望是吃得更健康、锻炼更多以及减肥。➂ 其他受欢迎的愿望包括花更多时间与家人和朋友在一起,以及戒烟。➀ According to a Statista survey, saving more money is the most popular New Year's Resolution for Americans, chosen by just over half of the respondents. ➁ The next most common resolutions are eating healthier, exercising more, and losing weight. ➂ Other popular resolutions include spending more time with family and friends, and quitting smoking.---