03/12/2025, 10:25 AM UTC
自制两位数计数器Live DIY: Make Your Own Two Digit Counter
➀ 本文详细介绍如何使用LM555和CD4033等集成电路以及两个七段显示器制作一个两位数计数器。
➁ 计数器可以显示从00到99的数字,常用于数字钟、记分板和事件计数器等应用中。
➂ 设计包括时钟发生器、计数IC、级联逻辑和数字显示组件,为电子爱好者提供了动手学习的机会。
➀ This article provides a detailed guide on building a two-digit counter using electronic components such as LM555 and CD4033 ICs along with two 7-segment displays.
➁ The counter can display numbers from 00 to 99 and is commonly used in applications like digital clocks, scoreboards, and event counters.
➂ The design includes a clock generator, counting ICs, cascading logic, and digit display components, offering a hands-on learning experience for electronics enthusiasts.