11/05/2024, 06:48 PM UTC
高科技创新者开启ISTA教授职位 | 机器学习专家Alex Bronstein探索人工智能研究边界High-tech Innovator Launches ISTA Professorship | Machine-Learning Expert Alex Bronstein Explores Boundaries of AI Research
➀ 以突破性创新而闻名的Alex Bronstein在奥地利科学技术研究院(ISTA)开启了他的教授职位,专注于生物科学中的机器学习。➁ Bronstein在以色列特拉维夫理工学院的学术研究和英特尔的公司行业经验中都有背景,在那里他开发了三维传感技术。➂ 他旨在扩展机器学习在生物科学中的应用边界,并为结构生物学、细胞生物学以及单细胞分析的战略方向做出贡献。➀ Alex Bronstein, known for groundbreaking innovations, starts his professorship at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) with a focus on Machine Learning in biowissenschaften. ➁ Bronstein has a background in both academic research at the Technion, Israel, and industry at Intel, where he developed 3D sensing technology. ➂ He aims to expand the boundaries of machine learning for applications in biowissenschaften and contribute to strategic directions in structural and cell biology, as well as single-cell analyses.