07/06/2024, 08:20 AM UTC
Netflix考虑取消“基本订阅计划”Netflix Considering Removal of 'Basic Subscription Plan'
1. Netflix正在考虑取消其最便宜的无广告计划——“基本订阅”;2. 该公司正在一些国家扩大支持广告的计划,并可能在全球范围内应用这一变化;3. Netflix已经在某些市场开始了逐步淘汰基本订阅的过程。1. Netflix is considering removing its cheapest ad-free plan, the 'Basic Subscription'; 2. The company is expanding ad-supported plans in some countries and may apply this change globally; 3. Netflix has already begun the process of phasing out the Basic Subscription in certain markets.