01/17/2025, 01:11 AM UTC
新闻不信任感最强的地区Where Distrust Of MSM Is Strongest
➀ 新闻不信任感在美国和法国尤为普遍,每个国家有五分之一的受访者表示他们不相信主流媒体。西班牙受访者同样持怀疑态度。➁ 瑞士人对本国新闻业的信任度更高,只有13%的受访者表示不相信主流媒体。➂ 在中国,不到十分之一的受访者表示他们不相信新闻。➀ Distrust of the news is widespread in the US and France, with one in five respondents in each country saying they do not trust mainstream media. Spanish respondents were similarly skeptical. ➁ The Swiss have more trust in their country's journalism, with only 13% distrusting the mainstream media. ➂ In China, less than one in ten respondents said they distrusted the news.---