07/15/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
欧洲航天局将发射AI卫星以展示地球观测的进步ESA to launch AI satellite to show advances in Earth observation
1、欧洲航天局(ESA)即将发射配备AI功能的Φsat-2卫星,用于实时地球观测。2、该卫星将运行六个AI应用程序,将图像处理成地图,检测云层,分类船只,并监测海洋生态系统和野火。3、Φsat-2是ESA与多家工业合作伙伴的合作成果,旨在最大化卫星对各利益相关方的价值。1. The European Space Agency (ESA) is set to launch the Φsat-2 satellite, equipped with AI capabilities for real-time Earth observation. 2. The satellite will run six AI applications to process images into maps, detect clouds, classify vessels, and monitor marine ecosystems and wildfires. 3. Φsat-2 represents a collaboration between ESA and several industrial partners, aiming to maximize the satellite's value for various stakeholders.