08/22/2024, 09:07 PM UTC
世界上最快的显微镜首次亮相World's Fastest Microscope Makes Its Debut
➀ 新型显微镜名为'attomicroscopy',能够以阿秒(即十亿分之一十亿分之一秒)的速度捕捉图像。➁ 这项技术使得观察分子内部电子运 动达到了前所未有的精确度。➂ 该显微镜由亚利桑那大学的Mohammed Hassan及其同事开发,利用激光和电子束实现了这种快速成像能力。➀ The new microscope, known as 'attomicroscopy', captures images at attosecond speeds, a billionth of a billionth of a second. ➁ This technology allows for unprecedented precision in observing the motion of electrons within molecules. ➂ Developed by Mohammed Hassan and colleagues at the University of Arizona, the microscope uses a laser and an electron beam to achieve these rapid imaging capabilities.