11/06/2024, 09:16 AM UTC
2024年第二季度电动汽车十大供应商Top Ten Q2 EV Vendors
➀ 本文重点介绍了2024年第二季度的电动汽车(EV)十大供应商。根据公司的市场表现和其在电动汽车行业中的重要性进行了排名。 ➁ 该榜单由市场研究公司TrendForce编制,该公司在半导体和技术领域以洞察力著称。 ➂ 文章强调了这些供应商在日益增长的电动汽车市场中的重要性以及他们对行业的贡献。➀ This article highlights the top ten electric vehicle (EV) vendors for the second quarter of 2024. It includes a ranking of the companies based on their market performance and the importance of their role in the EV industry. ➁ The list is compiled by TrendForce, a market research firm known for its insights into the semiconductor and technology sectors. ➂ The article mentions the significance of these vendors in the context of the growing EV market and their contributions to the industry.