07/30/2024, 09:21 PM UTC
Valve更新SteamOS以支持流行的DeckHD屏幕替换——其他屏幕也可能跟进Valve now updating SteamOS to support popular DeckHD screen replacement— others may follow
❶ Valve更新了SteamOS以完全支持DeckHD屏幕替换,该替换提供了1200p的分辨率升级。❷ 更新包括显示时序和识别的补丁,增强了Steam Deck上的游戏体验。❸ Valve此举预计将鼓励未来对Steam Deck及其后续产品其他显示替换的支持。❶ Valve has updated SteamOS to fully support the DeckHD screen replacement, which offers a resolution upgrade to 1200p. ❷ The update includes patches for display timings and recognition, enhancing the gaming experience on the Steam Deck. ❸ This move by Valve is expected to encourage future support for other display replacements on the Steam Deck and its successors.
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