08/13/2024, 01:09 AM UTC
联邦科研部长访问勃兰登堡工业大学科特布斯-森夫滕贝格Federal Research Minister Visits Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
➀ 联邦科研部长贝蒂娜·施塔克-瓦青格访问了勃兰登堡工业大学科特布斯-森夫滕贝格,了解大学在区域结构变革中的作用及其主要资助项目。➁ 此次访问突出了大学致力于通过洛西茨科学园区和洛西茨科学网络等项目实现全球视野和区域发展的承诺。➂ 部长了解了联邦教育和研究部资助的三个大型联合项目,包括能源创新中心、iCampus科特布斯和'下一代药物'研究联盟。➀ Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger visited the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg to gain insights into the university's role in regional structural change and its major funded projects. ➁ The visit highlighted the university's commitment to global perspectives and regional development through projects like the Lausitz Science Park and the Lausitz Science Network. ➂ The minister was informed about three large consortium projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, including the Energy Innovation Center, the iCampus Cottbus, and the 'Next Generation Drugs' research consortium.