03/02/2025, 07:24 AM UTC
信德科技:在财报发布前我会贪婪地买入Credo Technology: I'd Be Greedy Before The Earnings Release
1、我预计信德科技2025财年第三季度表现强劲;2、信德科技在AI基础设施方面的卓越增长和强大的客户基础支撑其估值;3、CRDO的非GAAP前瞻性PEG比率低于行业平均水平,表明强劲的增长前景。1. I expect a strong Q3 2025 quarter from Credo Technology; 2. Credo's impressive growth in AI infrastructure and strong customer base support its valuation; 3. CRDO's non-GAAP forward PEG ratio is lower than the sector's norms, indicating strong growth prospects.---