07/12/2024, 01:44 PM UTC
新模块提升AI性能与安全性New Modules Enhance AI Performance And Security
1、Congatec推出搭载NXP i.MX 95处理器的新型计算机模块,计算能力提升三倍,AI推理能力翻倍。2、模块集成硬件安全功能EdgeLock,支持实时处理。3、适用于广泛温度范围,适合工业生产、机器视觉和医疗成像等多种应用。1. Congatec introduces new computer-on-modules with NXP's i.MX 95 processors, offering triple computing power and double AI inference capabilities. 2. The modules feature enhanced security with hardware-integrated EdgeLock and real-time processing. 3. Designed for a wide temperature range, these modules are suitable for various applications including industrial production, machine vision, and medical imaging.