10/29/2024, 10:14 PM UTC
2025年Brabus Rocket GTS混合动力版:从奔驰SL诞生的1000马力怪物2025 Brabus Rocket GTS Hybrid: A 1,000 HP Monster Born From A Mercedes SL
➀ 奔驰改装品牌Brabus发布了其对梅赛德斯-AMG GT63 S E Performance的解读——Rocket GTS,拥有986马力,最大扭矩1195磅英尺(有限制)。该车预计售价至少100万美元。Rocket GTS配备了混合动力系统,包括6.1千瓦时的电池组、204马力电动机和更大的4.5升V8发动机,输出近1000马力,1342磅英尺的扭矩。它可在2.7秒内加速至60英里/小时,最高速度为196英里/小时。内饰配备了碳纤维和绗缝皮革。➁ Rocket GTS的售价约为100万美元,Brabus按订单定制每辆车。➂ 它提供了高性能的替代方案,S E Performance的价格要便宜得多。➀ Brabus has released its interpretation of the Mercedes-AMG GT63 S E Performance with the Rocket GTS, featuring 986 horsepower and a limited 1195 lb-ft of torque. The car is expected to cost at least $1 million. The Rocket GTS has a hybrid powertrain, with a 6.1 kWh battery pack, 204 hp electric motor, and a larger 4.5-liter V8, producing nearly 1000 hp and 1342 lb-ft of torque. It accelerates to 60 mph in 2.7 seconds and has a top speed of 196 mph. The interior is well-equipped with carbon fiber and quilted leather.➁ The Rocket GTS is priced at approximately $1 million, and Brabus customizes each car to order.➂ It offers a high-performance alternative to the S E Performance, which is significantly cheaper.