08/29/2024, 12:59 PM UTC
德国环境奖授予实践先锋German Environmental Prize Awarded to Pioneers in Practice
➀ Franziska Tanneberger博士和Thomas Speidel因在环境保护和气候保护方面的贡献,获得德国联邦环境基金会(DBU)颁发的德国环境奖。➁ Tanneberger因其泥炭地研究和复兴工作受到认可,推动可持续泥炭地利用和生物多样性。➂ Speidel因其创新的电池缓冲高性能系统而受到表彰,该系统能够实现快速电动汽车充电,有助于扩大电动汽车基础设施并减少二氧化碳排放。➀ Dr. Franziska Tanneberger and Thomas Speidel receive the German Environmental Prize from the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) for their contributions to environmental protection and climate protection. ➁ Tanneberger is recognized for her work in peatland research and revitalization, promoting sustainable peatland use and biodiversity. ➂ Speidel is honored for his innovative battery-buffered high-performance systems that enable rapid electric vehicle charging, contributing to the expansion of e-mobility infrastructure and reducing CO2 emissions.