09/30/2024, 03:12 PM UTC
新型仿真模型为复杂微电子市场提供更快、更经济的途径New Simulation Models Create a Faster and More Affordable Route to Market for Complex Microelectronics
➀ 欧洲弗劳恩霍夫集成电路研究所(Fraunhofer IZM)协调了一项开发微电子新仿真模型的项目。 ➁ 这些模型旨在用更快、更灵活的仿真来取代成本高昂的资格测试。 ➂ 该项目名为mikroVAL,采用了先进建模原理,在保护知识产权的同时,使模型可重复使用。➀ The Fraunhofer IZM coordinates a project to develop new simulation models for microelectronics. ➁ These models aim to replace costly qualification tests with faster and more flexible simulations. ➂ The project, named mikroVAL, uses advanced modeling principles and protects intellectual property while enabling reusability of models.