11/23/2024, 07:00 PM UTC
科幻射击游戏Humble Bundle现在可用‘Sci-fi Shooters’ Humble Bundle available now
➀ Humble Bundles以低价提供游戏集合;➁ 当前科幻主题射击游戏捆绑包包括Crysis Remastered和DOOM(2016)等经典游戏;➂ 根据支付的价格,捆绑包提供不同层级的游戏,最高层包括Crysis 3 Remastered、Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster和System Shock(重制版)。➀ Humble Bundles offer a collection of games at a low price; ➁ The current sci-fi themed shooter bundle includes classics like Crysis Remastered and DOOM (2016); ➂ The bundle offers different tiers of games depending on the price paid, with the highest tier including Crysis 3 Remastered, Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster, and System Shock (Remake).