06/20/2024, 06:55 PM UTC
据报道,台积电N3制程生产与封装价格将上涨至多20%TSMC N3 production and packaging prices to increase by up to 20%, say reports
1、据报道,台积电计划将其N3制程的生产与封装价格上调至多20%。2、此次价格上涨预计将与英伟达和英特尔的下一代产品量产时间相吻合。3、分析师和媒体消息来源均指出,台积电将提高报价。1. TSMC is reportedly planning to increase the prices for its N3 production and packaging by up to 20%. 2. This price hike is expected to coincide with the ramp-up of next-generation products from Nvidia and Intel. 3. The increase in quotes has been suggested by analysts and reported by media sources.