12/10/2024, 04:16 PM UTC
循环经济:唯有透明电池才能绿色发展Circular Economy: Only the Transparent Battery Will Be Green
➀ 慕尼黑工业大学能源基础设施和地热研究所正在开发数字电池护照,以提供电池生产和回收的透明度。➁ BASE项目旨在在未来三年内验证和实施数字电池护照概念。➂ 电池护照将使用区块链技术跟踪和更新电池在其生命周期内的数据,促进电池供应链中的循环经济和可持续性。➀ The Fraunhofer IEG is developing a digital battery passport to provide transparency on battery production and recycling. ➁ The BASE project aims to validate and implement the digital battery passport concept over the next three years. ➂ The battery passport will use blockchain technology to track and update battery data throughout its lifecycle, promoting circular economy and sustainability in the battery supply chain.