08/12/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
艾德的太空梦Ed Gets Spaced Out
➀ 连续CEO艾德反思其在人工智能领域的投资,并寻找新的机会,专注于小行星采矿。➁ 他计划利用2015年美国商业太空发射竞争法案,该法案允许公司从小行星中提取矿物以获利,设立一个小行星采矿基金。➂ 该基金旨在根据从特定小行星开采材料的潜在价值出售股份,利用公众兴趣和这些矿物的感知价值。➀ Ed, a serial CEO, reflects on his past investments in AI and looks for new opportunities, focusing on asteroid mining. ➁ He plans to set up an asteroid mining fund, leveraging the 2015 US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act which allows companies to extract minerals from asteroids for profit. ➂ The fund aims to sell shares based on the potential value of mined materials from specific asteroids, capitalizing on public interest and the perceived value of such minerals.