02/27/2025, 06:27 AM UTC
具有磁传感器的可洗涤智能纺织品Washable Smart Textiles With Magnetic Sensors
➀ 诺丁汉特伦特大学、亥姆霍兹-德累斯顿-罗森多夫中心和博岑自由大学的研究人员开发了可洗涤且耐用的电子纺织品,能够感应磁场。
➁ 这些纺织品可以用于衣物和其他织物,在水下和各种天气条件下可靠工作。
➂ 这项技术允许用户通过戴在手上的含有小磁铁的戒指或手套与设备互动,相比传统触觉传感器,减少了磨损。
➀ Researchers from Nottingham Trent University, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano have developed washable, durable electronic textiles that can sense magnetic fields.
➁ These textiles can be used in clothing and other fabrics, functioning reliably underwater and in various weather conditions.
➂ The technology allows users to interact with devices using a ring or glove containing a small magnet, reducing wear and tear compared to traditional tactile sensors.