12/10/2024, 01:12 PM UTC
超长寿命单晶电池Long-Lasting Single-Crystal Batteries
➀ 达尔豪斯大学的研发人员开发了一种新型锂离子电池,采用单晶电极,在达到80%容量阈值前可循环使用超过20,000次,相当于行驶800万公里;➁ 与传统的锂离子电池不同,单晶设计能够抵抗重复充放电造成的损坏;➂ 该技术将显著提高电动汽车(EV)的耐用性和可持续性,并可能比其他汽车部件更耐用。➀ Researchers at Dalhousie University have developed a new type of lithium-ion battery with a single-crystal electrode that lasts over 20,000 cycles before reaching the 80% capacity threshold, equivalent to driving 8 million kilometers; ➁ The single-crystal design resists the damage typically caused by repeated charging and discharging, unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries; ➂ This technology could significantly improve the durability and sustainability of electric vehicles (EVs), and potentially outlast other vehicle components.