10/13/2024, 01:16 AM UTC
西门子技术日:视频访谈 - 学术界在汽车安全中的作用Siemens Tech Day: Video Interview – Academia’s role in automotive security
➀ Siraj Shaikh探讨了学术界在推动知识前沿和作为新思想中立的游乐场的作用。➁他强调了与行业合作伙伴合作,将现代工业技术集成到道路车辆中的重要性。➂车辆日益复杂化和互联性突显了汽车安全面临的重大挑战。➀ Siraj Shaikh discusses the role of academia in pushing the frontiers of knowledge and serving as a neutral playground for new ideas. ➁ He emphasizes the importance of working with industry partners to integrate modern industrial technologies into road vehicles. ➃ The increasing complexity and connectivity of vehicles highlight the substantial challenge of automotive security.