07/09/2024, 06:00 PM UTC
《Apex英雄》战斗通行证全面改革 – 变得更糟Apex Legends gets complete Battle Pass revamp – for the worse
1、《Apex英雄》将从第22赛季开始引入新的战斗通行证系统,只能用真实货币购买,不再允许玩家通过完成之前的通行证来赚取未来的通行证;2、从S22赛季开始,每个新季将包含两个战斗通行证,成本翻倍;3、这些变化遭到了玩家的负面反馈,EA将如何回应这些反对意见还有待观察。1. Apex Legends is introducing a new Battle Pass system starting from Season 22, which can only be purchased with real currency and no longer allows players to earn future passes through completion of prior ones; 2. Each new season from S22 onwards will include two battle passes, doubling the cost; 3. The changes have received negative feedback from players, and it remains to be seen how EA will respond to the backlash.