07/03/2024, 04:14 PM UTC
国家糖尿病战略4周年:是时候实施了!4 Years of National Diabetes Strategy: Time for Implementation!
1. 国家糖尿病战略(NDS)自2020年提出以来,已经等待了4年仍未实施;2. 德国糖尿病协会(DDG)和糖尿病DE呼吁立即将NDS重新纳入国家健康议程;3. 联邦卫生部(BMG)因专注于个别措施而非全面应对糖尿病及相关疾病的方法而受到批评。1. The National Diabetes Strategy (NDS) has been awaiting implementation for 4 years since its inception in 2020; 2. The Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) and diabetesDE call for the immediate reintroduction of the NDS into the national health agenda; 3. The Bundesgesundheitsministerium (BMG) is criticized for focusing on individual measures rather than a holistic approach to combat diabetes and related diseases.