07/18/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
《辐射》电视剧获得17项艾美奖提名Fallout TV show amasses 17 Emmy nominations
1. 亚马逊的《辐射》电视剧获得了17项艾美奖提名,紧随HBO的《最后生还者》之后。2. 提名包括最佳剧情系列、最佳剧情系列男主角和最佳剧情系列编剧等类别。3. 这标志着电子游戏改编作品的重大成就,反映了它们在娱乐行业中日益增长的认可度。1. Amazon's Fallout TV show has received 17 Emmy nominations, following the success of HBO's The Last of Us. 2. The nominations include categories such as Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, and Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series. 3. This marks a significant achievement for video game adaptations, reflecting their growing recognition in the entertainment industry.