10/27/2024, 10:43 PM UTC
NASA警告:本周一颗公交车大小的陨石将掠过地球NASA Warns A Bus-Sized Asteroid Will Skip Past Earth This Week
➀ 美国宇航局警告,一颗公交车大小的陨石2024 UQ1将距离地球148,000英里;➁ 这颗陨石不被归类为潜在危险;➂ 这只是美国宇航局正在监测的一系列近地天体之一。➀ NASA has warned about a bus-sized asteroid, 2024 UQ1, approaching Earth at a distance of 148,000 miles; ➁ The asteroid is not classified as potentially hazardous; ➂ This is part of a series of near-Earth objects being monitored by NASA.