08/21/2024, 01:11 PM UTC
生成式AI在金融AI领域达到预期膨胀顶峰GenAI reaches Peak of Inflated Expectations for Finance AI
➀ 生成式AI在Gartner金融AI炒作周期中达到了预期膨胀的顶峰。➁ 过去两年中,公开可用的生成式AI工具产生了巨大的宣传效应。➂ 根据Gartner的Mark MaDonald的说法,采用这项技术的金融功能可能会发现它不如预期的那样具有变革性。➀ GenAI has reached the Peak of Inflated Expectations in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Finance AI. ➁ Publicly available GenAI tools have generated significant publicity over the past two years. ➂ Finance functions adopting this technology may find it less transformative than anticipated, according to Gartner's Mark MaDonald.