02/14/2025, 11:38 AM UTC
授予艾克塞尔·E·巴滕荣誉博士学位Honorary Doctorate Awarded to Axel E. Barten
➀ 艾克塞尔·E·巴滕因其在机械工程领域的科学工作,被西格大学自然科学与技术学院授予荣誉博士学位(Dr.-Ing. E.h.)。
➁ 巴滕积极参与大学治理,至今仍是大学评议会成员。他在将大学研究与高科技实践相结合方面的贡献被强调,特别是通过校园布施胡滕项目。
➂ 巴滕在发展新学术项目方面做出了重大贡献,并在工程领域是一位富有远见的推动者。他还就工程教育的未来发表了讲话,强调跨学科合作和人工智能的重要性。
➀ Axel E. Barten has been awarded an honorary doctorate (Dr.-Ing. E.h.) from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Siegen for his scientific work in mechanical engineering.
➁ Barten has been involved in university governance and is a member of the university's board of trustees. His commitment to integrating university research with high-tech practice is highlighted, particularly through the Campus Buschhütten project.
➂ Barten has contributed significantly to the development of new academic programs and has been a visionary driver in the field of engineering. He also spoke about the future of engineering education, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of artificial intelligence.