12/11/2024, 05:44 PM UTC
CEA-Leti展示与22纳米FD-SOI节点兼容的嵌入式FeRAM平台CEA-Leti Demonstrates Embedded FeRAM Platform Compatible with 22 nm FD-SOI Node
➀ CEA-Leti展示了可扩展的HfZrO2基FeRAM平台,该平台集成在22纳米FD-SOI节点的后端工艺中,这是铁电存储技术的一项重大进步,提高了嵌入式应用的扩展性,并将FeRAM定位为先进节点具有竞争力的存储解决方案。 ➁ 当前的嵌入式FeRAM产品使用钙钛矿材料,这些材料与CMOS不兼容且无法扩展到130纳米以上。新的基于HfO2的薄膜与CMOS兼容且可扩展,为嵌入式FeRAM提供了新的可能性。 ➂ 该技术预计将使嵌入式系统(如物联网、移动设备和边缘计算)中的内存解决方案更快、更节能且成本效益更高。➀ CEA-Leti has demonstrated a scalable hafnia-zirconia-based FeRAM platform integrated into the 22 nm FD-SOI node's BEOL. This is a significant advance in ferroelectric memory technology, improving scalability for embedded applications and positioning FeRAM as a competitive memory solution for advanced nodes. ➁ Current embedded FeRAM products use perovskite materials that are not CMOS compatible and cannot scale beyond 130 nm. The new HfO2-based thin films are CMOS compatible and scalable, offering new possibilities for embedded FeRAM. ➂ The technology is expected to enable faster, more energy-efficient, and cost-effective memory solutions in embedded systems like IoT, mobile devices, and edge computing.