11/08/2024, 07:15 PM UTC
NVIDIA GeForce Now 将每月使用时间限制为 100 小时Geforce Now will limit subscribers to 100 hours of use per month
➀ NVIDIA 的 GeForce Now 将对订阅者每月使用时间进行限制,最多 100 小时;➁ 这一变化是最新更新的一部分,同时增加了新的游戏;➂ 超过限制的订阅者可以购买额外的小时数。➀ Nvidia's GeForce Now is set to limit subscribers to 100 hours of use per month; ➁ The change is part of the latest update, which also adds new titles; ➂ Subscribers exceeding the limit can purchase additional hours.