07/30/2024, 02:53 PM UTC
生成式AI的优劣取决于其数据和平台GenAI only as good as its data and platforms
1、生成式AI服务的有效性取决于数据质量和支撑平台。2、检索增强生成(RAG)和向量数据库等技术对于提升AI性能至关重要。3、合成数据和数据湖仓正在成为AI开发和管理的关键组成部分。1. The effectiveness of generative AI services depends on the quality of data and the supporting platform. 2. Techniques like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and vector databases are crucial for enhancing AI performance. 3. Synthetic data and data lakehouses are emerging as key components for AI development and management.---