07/10/2024, 06:26 PM UTC
TI:经典Nat Semi设计的优秀守护者TI is a good steward of classic Nat Semi designs
1、TI通过从150mm升级到300mm高压工艺,更新了LM339比较器系列。2、新的'B'版本在规格书上改进了原始设计。3、TI维护了一份详尽的应用笔记,详细说明了这些比较器的差异和行为。1. TI has updated the LM339 comparator family by moving from a 150mm to a 300mm high-voltage process. 2. The new 'B' versions improve on the original designs in documented specs. 3. TI maintains an extensive app note detailing the differences and behavior of these comparators.