01/24/2025, 06:20 AM UTC
韩国电工研究院研发出能量密度提升八倍的锂硫电池原型Lithium-sulphur batteries get a boost
➀ 韩国电工研究院的研究人员开发出了能量密度比锂离子电池高八倍的锂硫电池原型。
➁ 研究团队使用经过氧处理的单壁碳纳米管来稳定电极并减少硫损失。
➂ 一个尺寸为50x60毫米、容量为1000mAh的原型在100次充放电循环后仍保留了85%的电量。
➀ Researchers from KERI have developed lithium-sulphur battery prototypes with high energy density, eight times higher than lithium-ion batteries.
➁ The team used single-walled carbon nanotubes treated with oxygen to stabilize the electrodes and reduce sulfur loss.
➂ A 1000mAh prototype measuring 50x60mm retained 85% of its charge after 100 charge/discharge cycles.