03/07/2025, 08:00 PM UTC
任天堂宣布重大反盗版胜利,对整个游戏行业意义重大Nintendo Trumpets Major Piracy Win As Significant For Entire Games Industry
➀ 任天堂在法国反盗版诉讼中取得重大胜利;
➁ 巴黎司法法院判决Dstorage赔偿935,000欧元;
➂ 此胜利加强了任天堂在欧洲反盗版的立场。
➀ Nintendo has won a significant court battle in France against piracy;
➁ The Judicial Court of Paris ordered Dstorage to pay €935,000 in damages;
➂ This victory reinforces Nintendo's legal stance against piracy in Europe.