07/04/2024, 03:07 AM UTC
I-O数据机器将从8月1日起提高存储产品价格,最高涨幅达34%I-O Data Machines to Raise Prices on Storage Products by Up to 34% Starting August 1
1. I-O数据机器宣布自8月1日起,部分存储和影像产品将进行价格调整;2. 价格上涨归因于原材料、能源和物流成本的上升;3. 受影响的产品包括NAS、SSD、CD刻录机、影像设备、USB集线器和线缆,涨幅从4%到33%不等。1. I-O Data Machines has announced a price increase for some of its storage and imaging products effective August 1; 2. The price hike is attributed to rising costs of raw materials, energy, and logistics; 3. Affected products include NAS, SSDs, CD recorders, imaging devices, USB hubs, and cables, with increases ranging from 4% to 33%.---