01/31/2025, 10:29 AM UTC
国际空间站国家实验室发布年度报告,概述太空研究范围ISS National Lab report outlines scope of research in space
➀ 国际空间站国家实验室发布了年度报告,详细介绍了过去一年在空间站上进行的研究工作。
➁ 报告显示,共赞助了103个有效载荷交付,产生了51篇已发表的同行评审论文。
➂ 大多数有效载荷来自商业实体,其中75%的新项目来自太空新手。
➀ The ISS National Lab releases its annual report detailing research conducted on the International Space Station (ISS) over the past year.
➁ The report highlights 103 payload deliveries sponsored, resulting in 51 published, peer-reviewed papers.
➂ The majority of payloads were from commercial entities, with 75% of new projects coming from new-to-space users.