11/20/2024, 10:20 PM UTC
微尺度超材料中的可调超声传播Tunable ultrasound propagation in microscale metamaterials
➀ 来自麻省理工学院和其他机构的研究人员开发了一种控制微尺度声学超材料中超声波传播的设计框架;➁ 该框架涉及精确定位微尺 度球体以调节超声波在三维微尺度超材料中的传播方式;➂ 这项工作实现了微尺度材料中可调的弹性波速度,并展示了一个声学解复用器,为超声波成像或信息传输的微尺度设备铺平了道路。➀ Researchers from MIT and other institutions have developed a design framework for controlling ultrasound wave propagation in microscale acoustic metamaterials; ➁ The framework involves precisely positioning microscale spheres to tune how ultrasound waves travel through 3D microscale metamaterials; ➂ The work enables tunable elastic-wave velocities within microscale materials and demonstrates an acoustic demultiplexer, paving the way for microscale devices useful for ultrasound imaging or information transmission.---