11/01/2024, 02:32 PM UTC
神奇的超薄、柔性电池The Magical, Super-Thin,Flexible Batteries
➀ 这些电池以其极薄的轮廓(通常仅为毫米厚)代表了一次技术突破;➁ 它们的柔性是通过电池的薄度和基底的柔韧性实现的;➂ 电极和电解质材料方面的创新提高了它们的性能和柔性。➀ These batteries represent a technological breakthrough with their slim profiles, often just a millimetre thick; ➁ Their flexibility is achieved through the thinness of the cells and the pliability of the substrate; ➂ Innovations in electrode and electrolyte materials enhance their performance and flexibility.