08/14/2024, 08:23 PM UTC
NASA洞察号火星探测器在火星隐藏水世界引发兴奋NASA InSight Lander Sparks Excitement At Hidden Water World On Mars
1、火星洞察号探测器的研究人员提出,火星地壳可能含有液态水,这对未来的宜居性和生命探索至关重要。2、由Vashan Wright领导的研究利用洞察号收集的数据,模拟了火星地表下的水存在。3、这些发现为理解火星的气候历史和生命潜力提供了可能性,尽管在火星上深钻仍是一个重大挑战。1. Researchers from the Mars InSight Lander suggest that Mars' crust likely contains liquid water, which could be crucial for future habitability and life search. 2. The study, led by Vashan Wright, used data collected by InSight to model the presence of water beneath Mars' surface. 3. The findings open possibilities for understanding Mars' climate history and potential for life, though drilling deep on Mars remains a significant challenge.