10/23/2024, 09:02 PM UTC
机器人学习像人类一样感知Robots Learning To Sense Like Humans
➀ 杜克大学的研究人员开发了一套名为SonicSense的系统,该系统通过带有指尖麦克风的机械手使机器人能够与环境互动。该系统能够捕捉振动并分析它们,以确定物体的材质和形状。 ➁ SonicSense利用AI来识别具有复杂形状和多种材质的物体,并且可以通过交互学习来提高其识别能力。 ➂ 该系统设计得既经济又易于集成到机器人中,有可能增强它们在不可预测环境中的导航能力。➀ Researchers from Duke University have developed a system called SonicSense, which allows robots to interact with their environment through a robotic hand with microphones on its fingertips. The system captures vibrations and analyzes them to determine the material and shape of objects. ➁ SonicSense uses AI to identify objects with complex shapes and multiple materials, and it can learn from interactions to improve its recognition capabilities. ➂ The system is designed to be affordable and easy to integrate into robots, potentially enhancing their ability to navigate unpredictable environments.