06/11/2024, 10:48 PM UTC
TiS3纳米带实现无损耗导电TiS3 Nanoribbons Conduct Electricity with No Loss
1、沙迦大学的研究者发现,压缩后的TiS3纳米带能够在传输电能时实现零损耗。2、研究发现,对TiS3纳米带施加压力可使其从绝缘体转变为超导体。3、这一突破有望彻底改变电力传输方式,并在多种技术中提高效率。1. Researchers from the University of Sharjah discovered that TiS3 nanoribbons can conduct electricity without energy loss when compressed. 2. The study found that applying pressure to TiS3 nanoribbons transforms them from insulators to superconductors. 3. This breakthrough could revolutionize power transmission and improve efficiency in various technologies.