01/24/2025, 05:48 AM UTC
物联网项目的一体化板All-in-One Board For IoT Projects
➀ Rajguru Electronics 推出了 ADIY NodeMCU ESP32,这是一款为所有物联网需求设计的多功能板。;
➁ 这款板子具有双核处理器、内置 Wi-Fi 和蓝牙以及许多 GPIO 引脚,适用于各种项目,如智能咖啡机和声控灯等。;
➂ 它支持广泛的应用场景,包括智能家居系统、农业、工业自动化、医疗保健和消费电子。
➀ Rajguru Electronics has introduced the ADIY NodeMCU ESP32, a versatile board designed for all IoT needs.;
➁ The board features dual cores, built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and numerous GPIO pins, making it suitable for various projects like smart coffee machines and voice-controlled lights.;
➂ It supports a wide range of applications including smart home systems, agriculture, industrial automation, healthcare, and consumer electronics.