07/15/2024, 02:36 PM UTC
2024年第二季度智能手机出货量增长6.5%Q2 smartphones up 6.5%
1、根据IDC数据,2024年第二季度智能手机出货量同比增长6.5%,达到2.854亿部。2、前五大公司均实现年度增长,市场领导者之间的竞争加剧,价格区间两极分化。3、生成式AI智能手机预计将比任何移动创新增长更快,今年将占据19%的市场份额。1. Q2 smartphone shipments increased by 6.5% year-over-year to 285.4 million units according to IDC. 2. The top 5 companies all saw year-over-year gains, with increasing competition among leaders and polarization of price bands. 3. Gen AI smartphones are expected to grow faster than any mobile innovation and capture 19% of the market this year.