12/03/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
索尼允许PS5用户根据喜欢的PlayStation世代定制系统主题You can now theme your PS5 to look like older PlayStation consoles
➀ 索尼为PS5用户推出了一个新功能,允许他们根据喜欢的PlayStation世代定制系统软件;➁ 更新包括来自PS1、PS2、PS3和PS4的经典启动音乐和视觉元素;➂ 该功能限时推出,以庆祝PlayStation 30周年。➀ Sony has introduced a new feature for PS5 owners to customise their console's software based on their favorite PlayStation generation; ➁ The update includes classic boot music and visuals from PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4; ➂ This feature is available for a limited time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of PlayStation.