01/10/2025, 05:40 AM UTC
世界经济的担忧之墙A Wall Of Worry For The World Economy
1. 世界经济面临重大下行风险,尤其是由于一系列重大经济和地缘政治风险。2. 美国的主要风险是唐纳德·特朗普可能兑现其经济承诺,这可能包括进口关税的大幅上升。3. 这种情况对陷入困境且出口密集型的新兴经济体和欧洲经济体构成了重大威胁。1. The world economy faces significant downside risks, particularly due to a constellation of major economic and geopolitical risks. 2. The main risk in the United States is the potential for Donald Trump to follow through on his economic promises, which could include a spike in import tariffs. 3. This situation poses a significant threat to the troubled and export-intensive Chinese and European economies.---
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