11/19/2024, 06:55 PM UTC
通过气味检测实现非侵入性疾病诊断Non-Invasive Disease Diagnosis via Odor Detection
➀ 萨尔大学的研究人员正在开发一种非侵入性诊断方法,通过分析气味模式来检测囊性纤维化、Covid-19等疾病。➁ 该研究旨在识别各种感染的独特气味特征,类似于指纹。➂ 团队正在收集呼吸、唾液、痰和汗液中的挥发性有机化合物,以创建可用于临床环境中早期检测感染的诊断工具。➀ Researchers at Saarland University are developing a non-invasive diagnostic method to detect diseases such as cystic fibrosis and Covid-19 by analyzing odor patterns. ➁ The research aims to identify unique scent profiles for various infections, similar to fingerprints. ➂ The team is working on collecting volatile organic compounds from breath, saliva, sputum, and sweat to create diagnostic tools that could be used in clinical settings for early detection of infections.
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