07/18/2024, 08:24 AM UTC
2024年最佳硬盘选择:台式机、NAS及其他需求推荐Best Hard Drives 2024: Our top HDD picks for desktop PCs, NAS, and more
❶ 文章回顾了2024年适用于各种需求和预算的最佳硬盘,强调了它们在台式机、NAS和企业使用中的性能、容量和适用性。❷ 强调在选择硬盘时考虑如外形尺寸、接口、记录技术、RPM和缓存大小等因素的重要性。❸ 文章提供了来自Seagate、WD和Toshiba等品牌的顶级硬盘型号的详细评测和比较,提供了关于其特性和性能的见解。❶ The article reviews the best hard drives for various needs and budgets in 2024, highlighting their performance, capacity, and suitability for different applications like desktop PCs, NAS, and enterprise use. ❷ It emphasizes the importance of considering factors such as form factor, interface, recording technology, RPM, and cache size when choosing an HDD. ❸ The article provides detailed reviews and comparisons of top HDD models from brands like Seagate, WD, and Toshiba, offering insights into their features, performance, and pricing.